Saturday, February 26, 2011

What a Week

 Wow, where has the week gone?!  Wednesday I went to the Pioneer Woman book signing in Ponca City.  I know, you're probably thinking, "she drove all the way to Ponca City for a book signing."  First off, Ponca (as we call it 'round here)  is only about 45 minutes away (and that, my friends, is how you know I'm from Oklahoma, I tell distance in time).  Second off,  I wanted to go because attending her cook book signing last spring is one of my memories.  What memories am I talking about?  I'm talking about my Aubrey memories.  You see, since I don't get to make new memories with her, I cherish the everything that happened while I was pregnant.  That's part of the reason we went skiing a few weeks ago, I also went skiing when I was 11 weeks pregnant with Aubrey.  As soon as I arrived at the book signing  I was worried that I had made a mistake.  There were lots of babies there, and not just any babies, there were a couple of baby girls born last summer.  Although I teared up a few times, I managed to avoid a full blown break down.  A few hours and a couple of new friends later, I finally got my book signed and headed home. Because I look horrible in this year's picture, here is a picture from the cook book signing I went to last spring when I was about 6 months pregnant.

Today was the Piggies and Paws party at my house.  Earlier in the week I was afraid that I had made a mistake by inviting a bunch of kids to my house, especially since a few of them were the age Aubrey should be.  I can now honestly say that I'm glad I did it.  We had fun eating cookies, drinking lemonade, and ordering adorable hand and footprint art. 

Today I'm gong to leave you with a song that just won't leave my head.  It's a beautiful, sweet song about a girl named Aubrey. 


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