Friday, January 25, 2013

Story Time

Yesterday, I took Joseph to the public library for baby story time (a class designed for children birth to 12 months old that includes a few songs with movement, a couple of super short books, and a little free play time with the other babies there) and he had a blast!  For a while now, Joseph has enjoyed sitting in my lap while I read a book to him and occasionally sitting in front of me while I read to him "teacher style," so when I found out about story time, I knew I had to take him.  One of my goals is to raise a baby that enjoys reading as much as I do.  So far, I think I'm succeeding :)

The smile that melts my heart.

His eyebrows are always so expressive.

When I uploaded these phone pics to the computer, I realized that I could have gotten some really cool shots had I taken my actual camera and spent more than 2 minutes taking pictures... J just might have a library photo shoot in his future. 


  1. Oh how I miss the Stillwater library! We never made it to the baby story time, but we LOVED the preschool one. Great memories there.

    Joseph is so cute! Love that smile!

  2. I'm just commenting because I was here looking for the 9month old update, but couldn't find it...LOL!
