Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Quickest Zoo Trip Ever

Remember how I told you about the Red Coyote Pack Pint Runs a little while back?  Well, they recently held one at the Oklahoma City Zoo to launch the newly marked trails that they helped sponsor.  Heidi was feeling under the weather, so John, Sam, and I made the short treck down for a sunset run through the zoo.  Ironically, this was a 21+ event, so Joseph hung out at the Remington Park with my mom, step-dad, and grandparents while we went to the zoo without him.  It was the first time I have ran without the stroller in a long time.  I'm not going to lie, it was kind of nice (especially on the hills).

After the run, they had yummy food and held drawings for Red Coyote gift cards, zoo memberships, and New Balance Shoes.  Sam wasn't happy that I put our names in the drawing since I won shoes at the last event we attended.  I assured him that of the hundreds of people there the chances of them drawing our name was slim.  Of course, Sam was one of the first names they drew.  I was getting my coat from the car at the time, but John said Sam was pretty embarrased.  At least he just got one of the $25 gift cards and not one of the big prizes.

I think the real reason the boys went was to try out a couple of new flavors of COOP ale.  Don't they look thrilled to be taking a picture.

Much better, boys.


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