Friday, October 14, 2011

One Way or the Other

Last week, we completed our final treatment as part of the fertility research study.  We won't know if it worked until next week and I'm a little anxious to find out.  I'm not anxious because I want a certain result, I'm just ready to be finished with all of this.  Fertility treatments are emotionally and physically trying and I'm ready to not worry about it anymore.  I'm ready to know if we are taking path A or B to parenthood instead of straddling the "y" in the road.  I feel like the last couple of months we have been moving forward with a foot on each path, stretching our legs farther and farther apart, wobbling as we begin to lose our balance in a split like state as we try everything possible to become parents.  Although it might not happen right away, we could potentially get "the call" from DHS any day.  I'm ready to know that we are either pregnant or not going to get pregnant as that will effect how many children we are willing to accept.

I'm not saying that we will never be back at the clinic.  In fact, if the DHS adoption doesn't move quick enough for us we are considering going back for embryo adoption (our clinic just started an in house program, they are just waiting for embryo donations).  I'm just ready to be finished for a while (pretty much, the only time that we haven't been going to the clinic in the last 2 1/2 years was part of my pregnancy with Aubrey).

I have one request, please continue to pray for us.  Pray that we are at peace with whatever result we get Wednesday.  Pray that our family grows sooner rather than later.  Pray that God guides our decisions on this journey to parenthood.


  1. Just want you to know that you and Sam are in my thoughts and prayers ALOT !!! Love you !!! Aunt Patty
